St Edwards has a number of groups involved in charitable activities, the details of which can be found below:

Charities Group

Chair: Maureen Locke


  • Lenten Lunches
  • Strawberry Tea
  • Bring & Buys

All for a range of charities


Joint Chairs: Geraldine Ellis / Joan Murphy

Currently made up of 14 members who meet weekly from 7-8 in the Community Centre. We visit the sick, housebound and lonely. On occasions we provide financial assistance or purchase articles of furniture. We also donate funds to special appeals.

Golden Club

Chair: Geraldine Ellis

For older people from St. Edwards and other local parishes. We meet weekly on Wednesday from 1-3pm.

We support:

  • BCCS
  • St.Francis Hospice
  • Different charities at other times

First Communion Mother’s Group

Led by: Sam Seaman, Ann McDonald & Annette Bacon

We organise monthly coffee mornings after 9.30am First Communicants Mass. Money is raised for different charities. We also host Macmillan Coffee Mornings.


Chair: Joan Murphy

We raise funds for CAFOD for Harvest and Lenten Appeals. Also have special collections for Disaster situations.

Rainbows, Brownies, Beavers, Cubs, Guides and Scouts

Led by: Ann Goff, Helen Francis, Sandra Tan, Sally Barlow, John Hartie and Michael

All groups provide gifts for older residents at Christmas. A collection is taken up for BCCS at their Carol Service.