With a UK general election date set for Thursday, 4 July, the Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice has compiled a list of resources available for Catholic parishes, schools, groups and individuals, as well as for anyone interested in the role faith plays in engaging in politics.

New Catholic Social Teaching videos from CCSTP. These are designed for use by individuals and within parish groups. Each video deals with a different theme from a different Catholic perspective and comes with discussion questions.

The video resources below discuss a Catholic approach to:

Interactive tool from CAFOD and SVP to email your local candidates about poverty.

Video training session from CAFOD and SVP for anyone wanting to take action during the general election campaign.

Year of Encounter campaign resources (PDF), including details about contacting candidates and attending hustings.

Vocation for Justice magazine special edition on preparing for the election. Order more free copies here.

Advice and guidance for churches planning a hustings or candidates’ meeting from the Joint Public Issues Team.

A webinar to introduce ‘Love Pray Vote’ election resources from the Joint Public Issues Team.

Advice for churches hosting hustings from Caritas Salford.

General election statement from CSAN exploring the principles from Catholic Social Teaching about why and how we should engage in politics around the general election.

Questions for candidates from the National Board for Catholic Women.

Requests for the new government and thoughts on getting involved from Jesuit Missions.

A prayer for the upcoming election from Columban Missionaries Britain.

A prayer for the Year of Encounter

An approach to praying and engaging during the general election period from the Joint Public Issues Team.

Prayers, reflections and an examen from Jesuit Missions.

Do Justice from Caritas Social Action Network: A resource for parishes and individuals to take community-based action rooted in Catholic Social Teaching, during the general election campaign and beyond.

Citizens UK manifesto: Many Catholic parishes and individuals are involved with Citizens UK. This manifesto outlines eight areas that community leaders are calling on the next UK government to change.

Pastoral Review webinar, hosted by The Tablet, on Catholics and the Election

Catholic Social Teaching and the Election from Jesuit Missions.

Podcast series of Catholic thinkers addressing key issues related to the Common Good from Together for the Common Good.