Prayer Service and Journey of Hope

This service is open to all and will give people a chance to think about our connection with our natural world, building on this year’s Season of Creation theme of ‘To hope and act with Creation’.
It will be followed by a three-hour walk through Central London, stopping at points to consider the damage being done to human beings and our planetary home by the activities of companies, financiers, industries and government agencies based in London or somehow linked to it.
At each stop, we will take time to pray and to think of signs of hope for the future.
Spaces for the walk are limited so that speakers can be heard and we do not block pavements – for full information and to register for the walk, click here.
After the walk, we’ll head to a nearby pub to carry on the conversation – all welcome!
Click here to find out more about Jesuit Missions’ campaign for Season of Creation.
Image: Unsplash/Bee Felten-Leidel