The Spirit of Advent Giving

This year, the parish launched a special initiative encouraging parishioners to collect baby items to be donated to the local baby bank in honour of the birth of Jesus. The theme of the appeal—”Unto us a child is born”—resonated deeply with the community, inspiring an outpouring of donations.
A designated area near the entrance of the Church was transformed into a beautiful display, featuring images of the Nativity and the Virgin Mary. This space, symbolising the humility and love of the Christmas story, was quickly filled to the brim with essential baby items such as nappies, wipes, and toiletries.
The response from the parish community, as always, is astounding. Generosity flows steadily, as parishioners continue to contribute items to support families in need. “The St Francis community never fails to come together in a spirit of love and service,” says the Director of Caritas Brentwood.
The Advent appeal not only brings practical help to local families but also serves as a reminder of the true meaning of the season: giving, compassion, and celebration of the birth of Christ.
The parish remains committed to collecting more donations throughout Advent.